Zora Marie
author : Zora Marie
I’ve not always been honest with myself or those around me, but I plan to change that. I have never been very truthful about what my home life was like as fear and having already been turned away once held me back. After writing for a year I found my voice once again, in part thanks to a friend that has been my guide in more than just writing.\n\nNow that I am no longer bound by the people who would rather see the spirits of others crushed than to see them blossom, I am determined to reclaim my life and do the things that I love. Acting, writing, and creating art are all just pieces of the puzzle that make up who I am. The true me has been drowning without a word for so long, but I am done.\n\nWhat you see of me now, is me climbing the mountain to reclaim everything that I am and I am glad to have you following my journey. I hope that as I learn to open up about my struggles I can inspire you to take the first steps to being your true self, as so many of us fall to what others see for us rather than what our hearts see.